Dr Puneet Girdhar specializes in managing Degenerative, Congenital, Neoplastic and Traumatic spine conditions. Dr Puneet is currently associated as Principal Directo More..
Dr Raju Vaishya currently practices at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Delhi, where he is the senior consultant of their Orthopedics and joint replacement surgery depa More..
Dr Tyagi is known for his anterior cervical and lumbar microsurgical discectomy and craniovertebral junction surgeries .He is an exponent in treating cerebral aneurysm More..
Dr. Chandrasekar has 23 years of experience as a Neurosurgeon. His specialties are in pediatric neurosurgery, brain infection, paralysis, peripheral nerve and rep More..
Dr. Umesh Srikantha is a highly acclaimed neurosurgeon working as a Senior Consultant and Head of spine services at Aster CMI Hospital. His areas of special interest are More..
Currently working as Associate Director - Neuro Surgery and Neuro Spine at BLK - Max Hospital Centre For Neurosciences, Minimally Invasive Neuro Spine Surgery, More..
Dr S K Rajan is currently practising as an Associate Director of Neurosurgery and Head of Spine Surgery Department at Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, Delhi NCR. Dr More..
Dr Rana Patir has performed more than 10,000 neurosurgeries in his 27-year career which makes him one of the best neurosurgeons in India. He specializes in per More..
Dr Abhaya Kumar has over two decades of experience working in the field of neurosurgery and spine surgery, Dr Abhaya Kumar has acquired extensive expertise in Minimall More..
Dr Bipin S Walia has performed more than 7000 spine surgeries in his two-decade career, the majority of which turned out to be successful. Dr Bipin S Walia is one of More..

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