

Professional Services

Hospital & Doctor Recommendation

We rate doctors and hospitals from an exhaustive list of criteria ranging from readmissions rate to surgery complications rate. A network of Trusted Hospitals and Physicians – Only the most trusted hospitals and most competent doctors are part of our professional network, translating into the most comprehensive listing of reliable and verified healthcare providers at one place. Our robust data points, insider network and vast experience of handling past satisfied clients ensures you always get the best recommendation. If you want to pursue this on your own we recommend our exclusive second opinion services.

24x7 Medical Concierge Service

We understand your uniqueness and hence have round the clock customer support services. This helps us understand the World around and helps us serve you better. This endows us to enhance our service offerings and tailor them to your needs making you feel at home throughout your journey. We know the importance of robust communication and provide dedicated concierges, 24x7 chat support and daily clinical updates. We also conduct in-depth meetings twice a week for each client to effectively communicate with partners, doctors, patients and families.We are around and oversee all aspects of the medical journey.

Doctor Chat & Conference

Distance is no excuse for not having access to a leading specialist of your choice. At Medmonks, we ensure your request for a second opinion or online consultation is fulfilled within the next 12 hours. Knowing there can be language barriers, we also ensure the availability of a certified medical interpreter during such consults. Second Opinion and a live patient-doctor conference ensure that all patient queries about the proposed treatment are addressed and gives the specialist an opportunity to assess the patient condition.This ensures a smooth medical journey experience with minimal patient family anxiety.

Pre-Arrival Services

Planning your medical journey can be an overwhelming task. We understand this journey better than anyone and plan every step so that the minutest details are looked after. With our gamut of pre-arrival services your journey’s experience begins right at your home.

  • Cost Estimate for Treatment
  • Doctor Patient Conference
  • Hotel Accommodation
  • Medical Appointment
  • Medical Visa
  • Treatment Packages

Upon Arrival Services

Right from Visa assistance we start being by your side and ensure you and your family are comfortable throughout the way. Our on-ground service team greets you at the airport and you are received by us and we present you our bouquet of services.

  • 24x7 Medical Concierge Service
  • Airport Pickup
  • Dietary Arrangements
  • Hospitalization Assistance
  • Language Translator
  • Wifi Dongle

Post Procedure Services

Getting over with your procedure is just a milestone for us at Medmonks. We not just ensure you reach safely back home but we also try providing you a memorable vacation. Back at home we ensure all your post-care needs are identified and attended to so that we truly stay your partners in healing.

  • Daily Updates for Family Members
  • Doctor Chat & Follow up Care
  • Medicine Delivery
  • Rejuvenation Trip Extension

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MedMonks Medicare does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The services and information offered on www.medmonks.com are intended solely for informational purposes and cannot replace the professional consultation or treatment by a physician. The content on this website is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient and their healthcare provider. MedMonks Medicare will follow all legal procedures to protect its intellectual property. For any health-related issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.