Eye surgery india

Eye Surgery

Eye Surgery in India

Eye transplant in India is a fairly common operation. Eye Transplant is a surgical procedure conducted to replace the diseased cornea of the patient with the donated cornea tissue or graft. During the procedure, a clear and healthy cornea is fixed in place of the opaque or cloudy cornea to restore lost vision in the patient. A clear cornea, thus, allows light rays toenter the eyes for a more distinct vision.

Eye transplant in India is a popular surgical procedure carried out in almost all major multispecialty eye hospitals and centers in the country. Foreign nationals suffering from complete or partial clouding of the cornea prefer to come to India because of many reasons, including affordability of medical treatment, the presence of advanced surgical infrastructure, availability of healthy cornea for transplant, and progressive technology for eye surgery.

Composition of Human Eye

Interestingly, an eye is composed of more than 2 million working parts, only 1/6th of the eye is exposed and of all the muscles in our body, the muscles that control our eyes are the most active. Also, each of our eyes have a blind spot in the retina, where the optic nerves attach to the eye. These blind spots are not at all photosensitive but we are not able to see these bind spots in our field of vision as both the eyes work together to compensate for the other’s blind spot.

International Accredited Hospitals

In addition, a majority of eye surgery hospitals in India are accredited by healthcare accreditation bodies such as Joint Commission International (JCI) and National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) (affiliated to ISQua – International Society for Quality in Healthcare).

Growth of Eye Surgery Hospitals in India in the Past Decade

Going back into the past by a few decades, eye surgery in India was a rare possibility. One of the critical reasons was the unavailability of adequate relatives who would consent to the deceased donor individual’s wishes posthumously. People were always reluctant to donate the eyes of the deceased person because of appearance issues. But this outlook has changed tremendously in the last few decades.

In addition, the researchers invented a new technology a few years back that helps them remove the cornea from the eyes of any deceased donor without affecting the surrounding tissues. This further increased the availability of donor cornea sharply, thus making eye surgery in India more accessible.

Another major reason that attributed to the popularity of eye transplant in India across the globe is the low eye treatment cost in India. The cost of eye transplant in India is just a fraction of the total cost in the Western countries, including the US and the UK. Despite the low cost of eye transplant in India, there are no compromises concerning the quality of medical services, which are at par with International standards.

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Types of Cornea Transplant

Cornea transplant, commonly known as Eye transplant, is one of the most successful organ transplant treatments. Its success depends upon the type and amount of damage caused to the cornea from any injury or disease. It should, however, be noted that vision restored depends upon the condition of tissues and grafts of the surrounding parts of the cornea as well as the underlying disease condition of the recipient.

Eye Surgery in India is performed in people suffering from vision problems due to thinning of the cornea, scarring of the cornea from any severe injuries, or vision loss due to the cloudy cornea (one of the commonest causes of corneal clouding or scarring worldwide is Trachoma). The following two types of cornea transplant are performed to correct the vision:

  • Penetrating Cornea Transplant Or Full Thickness Transplant Or Penetrating Keratoplasty:

When too many layers form on the cornea and it obstructs your vision, you need a full thickness transplant surgery. Penetrating cornea transplant helps in replacing several layers damaged cornea with the healthy cornea retrieved from the donor.

  • Lamellar Cornea Transplant Or Lamellar Keratoplasty:

As opposed to penetrating cornea transplant, this procedure includes the replacement of only a few layers of the cornea. The procedure is recommended when the disease has only spread to a portion of the cornea.

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Eye Transplant Hospitals in India

The best eye surgery hospitals in India are spread far and wide across the major cities in most states in the country. Some of the most sought-after eye care centers are located in Gurgaon, Mumbai, Mohali, Bangalore, New Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Kolkata.

The prominent eye surgery hospitals in India promote and support eye care and donation through their own network of advanced eye bank service. By opting to undergo eye surgery in India, medical tourists can remain assured of world-class service, recovery units, experienced ophthalmologists, latest techniques and treatment methodologies. Medmonks helps you identify the right treatment, right doctor as well as right eye hospital and then facilitate your medical journey. We stand by your side throughout and ensure an uneventful and memorable medical journey for you and your family.Each year, patients from the UK, US, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, East Africa, Middle East, and Nepal come to seek eye care services in India. The dedicated patient welfare team at Medmonks ensures that all our overseas patients are taken care of from the moment they land in the country and their pick up from the airport to their treatment the respective hospital and final return.

Why choose Medmonks?

With Medmonks, international patients are provided special facilities and attention by the best eye surgery hospitals in India, which make sure that the treatment plan suggested to them best suits their requirements. It is important to note here that the cost of eye transplant in India in the case of medical tourists excludes the cost of accommodation and local transport.

Services offered by Medmonks

Other services such as airport transfer, visa assistance, and interpreter services are usually provided free of cost by Medmonks. We at Medmonks have established connections with travel affiliates in order to help families of international patients enjoy a memorable holiday during their stay.

All the major eye transplant treatments are pre-planned to meet the demands and convenience of patients coming from abroad. Typically, the two big constraints of medical tourists are time and expenses. We at Medmonks along with our network of all major eye surgery hospitals in India take care of these two main factors and offer customize package as per the requirements of patients.

Mostly, the examination of the patient is conducted by an internationally-certified ophthalmologist and surgeon. India offers e-visa facilities to countries like United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Oman, UAE, middle east countries, east Asian countries, African countries and others so that they can travel easily to India to undergo eye transplant surgery.

Mumbai, for instance, has a well-established taxi service that allows foreign tourists to avail prepaid services directly from the airport. Take your pick from a range of services, from basic to premium fleet taxi service.

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Eye Treatment Cost in India

Eye treatment cost in India is quintessentially one of the lowest in the world. This is the reason why international medical tourists find medical treatment in India pocket-friendly.

The average cost of eye surgery in India starts from USD 700 for patients who do not have an insurance. Back in 2011, the average cost of corneal transplant in India starts from USD 2,000 per eye. We at Medmonks offer up to 30 percent discounts to patients who pay cash or to uninsured patients.Cornea transplant cost in India is starts around USD 2,000, while the same procedure costs around USD 22000 in the US. The price may increase depending on several factors, including the type of surgery, complications involved, recovery rate, and duration of hospital stay. The best eye surgery hospitals in India offer several eye treatment packages at affordable rates. The good news for patients coming from abroad is that they not just save money by traveling to India but undergo the treatment conducted with the latest technology at reputed state-of-the-art medical centers.

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Eye Treatment in Delhi

eye transplant

Coming to the capital of India for eye transplant or any other type of eye surgery is one of the best decisions for medical tourists. The National Capital Region (NCR) offers treatment for corneal blindness or opaque cornea through the transplant procedure. A healthy cornea transplant is done with lamellar keratoplasty or penetrating keratoplasty.

The best hospitals for eye surgery in Delhi offers eye treatment for all types of patients coming from any part of the country or the globe. Medmonks has curated those hospitals that have associated themselves with some of the finest cornea specialists, who have carved a name for themselves for conducting eye transplant with highest success rates. The success of the procedure, however, depends upon how well the deceased donor’s cornea is harvested and the underlying disease condition of the recipient.

You will find fully-approved Eye Bank by the Ministry of India located in Eastern Delhi. There are also eye banks managed by private hospitals, by the Red Cross Society and the Rotary Club of India. The most renowned surgeons possessing great corneal grafting experience are located in the city that aims at giving sights to blind people. The eye transplant cost in Delhi is comparatively lower than other major cities such as Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Cornea transplant works for patients who suffer from scarred or cloudy eyes. Due to this, sufficient sun rays cannot reach the eyes and thus, it blocks clear vision. In that case, a cornea transplant surgery is needed to correct vision. No matter what country you belong to, you can contact the right eye care center in India through Medmonks and fix an appointment with some of the best eye surgeons in India and get great discounts while being looked after by the Medmonks team.

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Eye Transplant in India: Rules and Regulations

According to the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014, foreign nationals will also have to comply with rules to be eligible for cornea transplant in India. The state government in Delhi declared new rules for eye transplant in foreign patients.

It is now compulsory for all hospitals in Delhi to obtain a no objection certificate (NOC) for allowing overseas patients receive corneal transplants in the capital. The NOC must be received from the Guru Nanak Eye Centre and AIIMS. Medmonks coordinates these logistics and documentation on your behalf so that you do not need to worry about anything.

It is important to know that eye transplant in India has helped restore sight and change thousands of lives of children and adults in different parts of the world. Rest assured cornea transplant procedure is absolutely safe and can save you from the permanent visual handicap.

Eye Surgery Success Rate in India

While most of the eye transplant surgery in India is performed on an outpatient basis, recovery after penetrating keratoplasty surgery may take time. The success rate of cornea transplant in India depends upon the nature and extent of injury to the eye. Research says that rate of success with keratoconus is 89 percent, while it is 60 to 70 percent with corneal scarring. But each case is unique and an exact prognosis for your case can be given once you share your relevant clinical documents and history with us.

Contact Us - Medmonks will be by your side in your journey to restore your vision.

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