
Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

We use cookies, pixels and tags (which we shall collectively define as “Cookies”) on the Medmonks website for a variety of purposes which are described in this Cookie Policy. By using the Medmonks website you consent to the storing and accessing of Cookies on your device in accordance with the terms of this Cookie Policy.

IP Addresses and Cookies

Like almost all commercial websites, Medmonks records statistical data and uses Cookies to improve site performance. A cookie is a text file sent by a web server to a web browser, and stored by that browser. The text file is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. This enables the web server to identify and track the web browser. We may send one or more cookies which may be stored by your browser on your computer. The information we obtain from cookies is part of the Collected Information. Our advertisers and service providers may also send you cookies. Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies. (For example, in Internet Explorer you can refuse all cookies by clicking “Tools”, “Internet Options”, “Privacy”, and selecting “Block all cookies” using the sliding selector.) This will, however, have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites, including this one. To improve our services and this site, we may retain third party service providers to operate this site and help us monitor, collect and analyze information regarding your interactions with this website and the data you input, including the use of such providers’ cookies on your computer.

Statistical data:

The Medmonks site logs certain statistical data such as; IP address, the type of operating systems used and browser types used. This statistical data is not connected to personal information and so user information is anonymous. For example, if we know that a growing number of users have a new type of browser we know that it’s a good idea to test new pages and features in that browser.

What are cookies?

A Cookie allows websites to remember you, and it helps many of the features of the website to work better. We use Cookies to help our website load faster and to make it easier and faster for users to log in. These small packets of information are stored on your computer by your browser. Cookies help us learn about how people interact with our site and so we can make improvements based on the information.

What kind of Cookies do we use?

Our site uses two kinds of Cookies; our own and Cookies from third parties. We use Cookies to operate and personalise the website. They help us to track page views and conversion and also return visits from users over a 31 days period.

How we use cookies on the Medmonks website?

Session Cookies: We use Cookies to allow the Medmonks website to uniquely identify a user’s browsing session on the Medmonks website and to allow us to coordinate this information with data from our Medmonks website server. Analytics: We use Google’s “analytics” Cookies which, in conjunction with our web server’s log files, allow us to identify unique, but anonymous users. These Cookies can also calculate the aggregate number of people visiting our Medmonks website, the date and time of a user’s visit to the Medmonks website, the pages a user has viewed and the time spent by users at the Medmonks website. This helps us gather feedback so that we can improve the Medmonks website and better serve our users. Further information on each Cookie is set out in the table below. Cross platform advertising and user recognition: We also use Cookies provided by Facebook and Twitter. These Cookies operate in different ways but they are both used in connection with Medmonks advertising served to a user of the Medmonks website on Twitter and Facebook, the recognition of such users and the devices used by the user to access Twitter, Facebook and the Medmonks website. Further information on each Cookie is set out in the table below. Third party websites and platforms Your use of third party websites and platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and the privacy practices of these platforms, are governed by separate terms, conditions and policies for which Medmonks is not responsible. You should review Twitter’s and Facebook’s terms, conditions and policies where you will find more details on how information about you is used on their platforms and how you can set your privacy preferences. You can find more information about the individual Cookies we use and the purposes for which they are used in the table below:

Google Analytics_ga

This Cookie is placed by Google. It enables Medmonks to learn information about our users use of the Medmonks website such as the time of visit, the pages viewed, whether the user has visited before and the website visited prior to visiting the Medmonks website. For further information about Google Analytics please see: https://www.google.com/policies/technologies/types/

Twitter Conversion Tracker

This Cookie is placed by Twitter. It enables Medmonks to learn how our users have interacted with Medmonks advertising served to them on Twitter. It also enables Medmonks to identify users who have used their mobile device to view Medmonks advertising on Twitter and later came to the Medmonks website on a desktop computer. For further information about the Twitter Conversion Tracker please see: https://business.twitter.com/en/help/campaign-measurement-and- analytics/conversion-tracking-for-websites.html

Facebook Pixel

This Cookie is placed by Facebook. It enables Medmonks to measure, optimize and build audiences for advertising campaigns served on Facebook. In particular it enables Medmonks to see how our users move between devices when accessing the Medmonks website and Facebook, to ensure that Medmonks’ Facebook advertising is seen by our users most likely to be interested in such advertising by analysing which content a user has viewed and interacted with on the Medmonks website. For further information about the Facebook Pixel please see: https://en-gb.facebook.com/business/help/651294705016616

Server Cookies

This Cookie is placed by Medmonks. It is used to maintain an anonymized user session by the Medmonks website server.

How long do they last?

Cookies generally have a ‘lifespan’ and after that period they expire. Some expire as soon as you log off and some last for weeks or longer. Cookies on our site are renewed when you visit or log in and usually expire after 7 to 30 days of inactivity. Cookies that we use to personalise the experience for returning visitors may have a lifespan of up to 31 days.

Switching off cookies:

Most web browsers automatically accept Cookies. Your browser should tell you how to turn off the automatic acceptance of Cookies if you look through the settings options. This will almost certainly create issues when using the Medmonks site. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse all Cookies, our system will issue Cookies when you visit our site. Please consult the help section of your web browser or follow the links below to understand your options but please note that if you choose to disable cookies some features of our website may not operate as intended.

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MedMonks Medicare does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The services and information offered on www.medmonks.com are intended solely for informational purposes and cannot replace the professional consultation or treatment by a physician. The content on this website is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient and their healthcare provider. MedMonks Medicare will follow all legal procedures to protect its intellectual property. For any health-related issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional.