Shehnoza from Tashkent, Uzbekistan undergoes B/L Knee Replacement in India



Name: Ibragimova Shehnoza

Country: Uzbekistan

Treatment: B/L Knee Replacement

 Shehnoza, 65 year old female was bedridden for  nearly a decade. She was unable to perform her daily chores and was living on painkillers to avoid her debilitating pain.

She first felt pain in her right knee in the year 2006. She took it as a minor pain and ignored it for sometime. The pain increased and became unbearable in the winters, thats when she went to a local orthopedic doctor in Tashkent. The doctor after seeing her X-rays reports, told her that both her knees are weak and diagnosed her with osteoarthritis. She was put on a regular calcium and management with physiotherapy.

In next 2-3  years her condition deteriorated and she slowly started avoiding long walks and slowly started keeping herself to her room. In year 2016 she met one of her friends, who got her knees replaced in India and was walking comfortably without any pain. This gave a new lease of hope to Shehnoza and she determined to go to India for her Knee replacement.

Her Daughter Ms Guljahan searched online and got in touch with Russian speaking team of Medmonks. After some due diligence and finalising the hospital Shehnoza finally came to India in January 2017. 

“ I am very pleased with the treatment provided to me at Indian hospital. The hospitals here are very clean and have world class facilities. I was able to walk within 2 days of surgery and I didn't feel any pain during the whole procedure and rehabilitation period. The doctor was very calm and understanding. He motivated me at every step and helped me overcome my fears. The medmonks team is like a family to me. They were with me at every step of my medical journey. Thank you everyone.”

Dr Shubesh Tyagi



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