What is CABG Surgery Cost in India?



Contemporary Vs Conventional Methodologies for Treatment of Cardiac Disease

What is CABG?

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is a surgical procedure that helps to improve the blood flow to the heart. It is done on people with severe coronary artery disease, which is also known as coronary artery disease (CAD). The scenario of CABG surgery in India is well renowned all across the globe.

Coronary Artery Disease is a condition where the substance known as plak or plaque starts building and growing inside the coronary arteries. These arteries have a vital function that is transferring oxygen-rich the blood to your heart. Plaque is not a healthy substance and restricts the functions of the heart as it is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances found in the blood. Plaque affects the heart by narrowing or sometimes blocking the arteries that reduce the blood flow to the heart muscle. Angina- a discomfort or chest pain is caused if the blockage is severe. In some cases, the possibility to get a heart attack also increases.

For Coronary Artery Disease one of the most viable options is Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting CABG. In the surgical procedure of CABG, the blocked arteries are replaced or grafted by healthy arteries or veins. That transplanted arteries and veins then lead to smooth passage of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscles.

Other names for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)

  1. Bypass Surgery
  2. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
  3. Heart Bypass Surgery

For coronary artery disease CABG isn’t always a viable option. For many candidates, the coronary artery disease can be treated via lifestyle changes, medications, or through some other procedures like Angioplasty. During Angioplasty a small tube which is called as the stent is placed in the arteries to keep them open. If the pumping action of the heart is severely affected or weakened then with the help of stent placement Angioplasty is undertaken. If the blockages cannot be treated with Angioplasty, then CABG might turn out be a dependable option. Blockages can also be treated via open heart surgery.

Objectives of Coronary Artery Bypass Disease

  1. To improve the quality of life, to decrease angina or to treat other CHD symptoms.
  2. To allow the patient to resume the active lifestyle.
  3. To improve the pumping action of the heart that is affected by heart disease history.
  4. To lower the risk of heart attack in some patients especially for patients who have diabetes.
  5. To increase the chances of survival.

Types of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

  1. Traditional Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
  2. Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
  3. Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Understanding the types of Coronary Artery Bypass Diseases

Traditional Coronary Artery Bypass Disease-

  • It is the most common type of coronary artery bypass grafting.
  • It is applied when the major (artery) is needed to be bypassed.
  • During the surgery, the chest bone is operated by opening it wide.
  • Medications are provided to the patients to ensure smooth functioning of the heart, and the patient is provided with a heart-lung bypass machine to keep the blood and oxygen flow smooth.
  • After the surgery, the blood flow to the heart is restored.
  • Then the heart starts to beat again normally.

Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

  • It is more or less similar to CABG as the chest is open wide to access the heart.
  • Heart-lung bypass machine is not used as the heart has not stopped working in this case.
  • Off-pump CABG is also referred to as beating heart bypass grafting.

The minimally invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

  • It is similar to off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)
  • Rather than large incisions or cuts, smaller incisions are made on the left side of the chest right between the ribs.
  • It is mostly used to bypass the blood vessels in front of the heart.
  • It is a new procedure and is very less often performed when compared to other surgical procedures.

India is a capital for heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. So, the quality of healthcare services ensures a positive result.

In some cases, the patient might need to repeat the surgical procedures if the grafted arteries or veins get blocked. Sometimes medications and change in lifestyle may lead to forgo the option of pre-surgery. If the right medical consultants like Medmonks in India are selected then the success rate of the medical journey increases as it directs patients to the most suitable cardiac surgeons in India according to the patients’ requirements and medical needs. The direction is based on the algorithm developed by the physician executives with more than 100 years of experience in the field of medicine.

You may need repeat surgery if the grafted arteries or veins become blocked, or if new blockages develop in arteries that weren’t blocked before. Taking medicines as prescribed and making lifestyle changes as your doctor recommends can lower the chance of a graft becoming blocked.

In people who are candidates for the surgery, the results usually are excellent. Following CABG, 85 percent of people have significantly reduced symptoms, less risk of future heart attacks, and a decreased chance of dying within 10 years.

CABG Surgery Cost in India

The cost would depend upon the choice of hospital and surgeon. Further, it will also depend upon the type of CABG Surgery. The cost varies and starts at USD 5,000 (INR 3,59,275). Further, the same surgery with comparable clinical outcomes costs in USD 60,000 (INR 43,11,300​​​). 

To get instant appointment for CABG Surgery in Indiacall +91–7683088559 or send your query to [email protected]

Sahiba Rana

Wearing a million-watt smile and treasuring a zillion metaphors, she finds solace in deep poetry and..


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