Rough Beginnings, Soon-To-Be-Mothers Now: Two Infertile Bangladeshi Women Receives Permanent Cure With Medications

Name: Farhin Nishu & Nasim Akhter
Country: Bangladesh
Treatment: Infertility Treatment
Farhin Nishu, Nasim Akhter, two women from Bangladesh encountered problems in conceiving and suffered several miscarriages. With pressure building owing to personal and social stigma, they started looking for treatment. However, they could not find a doctor or a specialist who could offer them a sure-sort treatment. "I spent oodles of money to treat my infertility, but my efforts went to vain", said Nasim.
With a strong urge to be mothers, Farhin and Nasim both searched far and wide for a solution without giving up.
After a long struggle of 2 years, Farhin and Nasim came to know about Medmonks, an established medical travel assistance company from their co-workers.
After exploring the quality of services offered by Medmonks, they finally decided to contact them. They got in touch with Apabrita Narotra, the Business development manager of Bangladesh at Medmonks, and decided to come to India for infertility treatment.
The professionals of Medmonks helped Nasim and Farhin to came in contact with an infertility specialist, Loveleena Nadir, fortis la femme. Surprisingly, Dr loveleena Nadir said, "There is no need for IVF treatment as the concerned patients can be cured with medications".
After receiving medicational therapy management under the supervision of Dr Nadir, they started to feel the change. It was a dream come true for them as they lost hope for experiencing motherhood following numerous miscarriages.
Both the patients left India after the first stage of treatment. Nevertheless, they were in constant touch with the doctor via telemedicine services offered by Medmonks for follow-ups.
Nasim and Farhim were over the moon with the services offered by Medmonks, especially Apabrita. Nasim said, "she was smart, compassionate and understood our condition and situation in no time. It was due to Apabrita that we could find an answer to our problems. She made sure that we receive quality treatment at affordable costs. Her effort and don't-give-up attitude was commendable and boosted us with confidence that we could be mothers someday. Today, we have been cured and are heading back to Bangladesh with smiles on our faces".
Medmonks wishes best for Nasim and Farhim-They would be great mothers indeed!