Ivf infertility treatment india

IVF Treatment

What is Procedure of IVF Treatment in India?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) in India has become synonymous with hope for many infertile couples around the world. IVF is most suitable for couples who desperately want to become parents but none of the conventional approaches to managing infertility have worked for them so far.

The uncertainty of the IVF treatment results and the cost of IVF treatment are the two leading concerns that medical tourists typically have prior to their arrival in India. There.fore, it is important for them to know that Medmonks through its network of curated IVF Treatment Hospitals offers IVF treatment cost in India which is much cheaper than a majority of other countries. In addition, the treatment is offered by internationally certified and credited IVF hospitals and clinics who have constantly reported the highest IVF success rates for the last few years.

Receive hassle free medical care in India using Medmonks assistance

The availability of low-cost yet advanced IVF technology, skilled doctors, and quality sperm and egg banks are some of the leading reasons why medical tourists prefer to come to India for IVF treatment. Each year, thousands of infertile couples from within India and abroad undergo this procedure and many of them are able to conceive in the first attempt itself.

Medmonks works closely with the best IVF doctors in India who are mostly trained and possess quality experience from abroad. Apart from the basic education in the field of infertility treatment, they possess complete knowledge about the latest technological advancements in infertility treatment. The top IVF specialists in India keep themselves abreast with the changing IVF technology by attending seminars, workshops, and training conducted within India and abroad.

Infertile couples are able to seek IVF treatment in India at a much affordable cost than any other country around the globe. This is despite the facts that the quality of IVF treatment in India is at par, if not less than some of the top IVF clinics in the world. Medmonks helps medical tourists choose the best treatment package that better suits their medical needs and requirements. Further, we provide personalization to treatment plans to cater to your specific needs.

Medmonks works in close collaboration with some of the best IVF doctors in India and helps infertile couples seek treatment as an IVF hospital of their choice. IVF treatment hospitals in India have fully equipped operation theatres (OT), labour room, neonatal intensive care units (NICU), embryology lab, and special infertility wing to look after the needs of the couple seeking treatment. The team at Medmonks helps Medical tourists from abroad seek consultation from top IVF specialists in India even before their arrival into the country.

The popularity of India as one of the best IVF treatment destinations in the world has increased tremendously in the last few years. The affordable IVF cost in India and the availability of highly-skilled IVF doctors are the two leading reasons for this success.

Infertility Treatment in India: Rules and Regulations

The infertility laws enforced by the Government of India allows women up to 55 years of age, single mothers, and same-sex couples seek IVF treatment in India. The enforcement of such moderate regulations, even for medical tourists, further facilitates the movement of patients from abroad to India for IVF treatment.

Medmonks is a leading medical tourism facilitator in India that helps childless couples seek infertility treatment at the most affordable cost.

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What is the Cost of IVF Procedure in India?

The cost of IVF treatment in India is much less than a majority of the developed countries, including the US, UK, and Singapore. Despite this, the clinical outcomes and success rates are comparable to these countries. However, the total IVF treatment cost in India depends on several factors and varies from one patient to another.

Some of the factors that dictate the total cost of IVF in India include the number of IVF cycles conducted, cost of medications, consultation charges, cost of donated eggs and the surrogacy cost.

The approximate cost for IVF treatment in the US is around USD 20,000 per cycle. On the other hand, the IVF treatment cost in India for a single cycle is just around USD 3,000. Medmonks helps medical tourists avail affordable IVF treatment packages in India, which typically includes miscellaneous non-medical expenses such as that of boarding, lodging, airport transfer, and local travel services apart from the medical treatment services.

Factors affecting the cost of IVF Treatment

The cost of the IVF procedure depends on several factors. Some of the major factors that dictate the overall cost of IVF in India include the following:

  • Number of IVF cycles

Females aged under 35 have a 32 percent chance of successful pregnancy with their first IVF treatment (this percentage may increase to 55 percent if there is good patient selection and right doctor-clinic setting), whereas females over 39 may need to undergo as many as five or more IVF cycles to conceive successfully. The cost of IVF treatment in India, thus, depends on the number of cycles conducted. Some of the best IVF treatment hospitals in India offer affordable multiple-cycle IVF cost plans, which can be availed at discounts through Medmonks yet getting treatment at the leading IVF clinics.

  • Cost of donor sperms or eggs

Couples with low fertility levels may require either donor sperm or eggs or both. This additional requirement further adds to the IVF cost.

  • Cost of donor embryos

The couple planning to conceive a child through IVF may have a medical condition that is likely to be inherited by the child. Such couples are often advised to opt for embryos donated by couples who already completed their fertility treatment successfully or conceived naturally.

  • Cost of frozen embryo transfer

In some cases, couples prefer to freeze embryos from an IVF. The frozen embryos can be thawed and transferred to the female partner’s uterus when they decide to plan a baby again. Choosing to freeze the embryos or using them for conception at a later stage are considered as additional procedures that add to the cost of IVF.

  • Cost of testicular sperm aspiration (TESA)

TESA is often suggested to men who have had a vasectomy, but still wish to have children. It is a short 30-minute procedure that involves sperm aspiration and extraction. The male partner is administered local anesthesia and a fine needle is used to extract sperms directly from the testicle. There are many iterations to this procedure and depending upon various factors that may be unique to your male partner, a specific procedure may be prescribed or recommended. These include percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA), microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA), testicular fine needle aspiration (TFNA; which is considered a part of TESA), testicular sperm extraction (TESE; which is sometimes considered similar to TESA) and Microdissection TESE.

  • Cost of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

This procedure is generally used in the case of couples affected by male fertility issues such as low sperm count or poor sperm quality. A single sperm directly injected into the egg during the procedure. Therefore, the chances of successful fertilization is extremely high with ICSI. The cost of ICSI is additional to the cost of IVF treatment successful fertilization.

Apart from the aforementioned factors, the cost of IVF treatment depends on the specific city and hospital where the couples choose to undergo the treatment. The IVF cost in Delhi differs from the cost of IVF in Mumbai. Similarly, the IVF cost in Bangalore is quite different from the cost of IVF in Chennai or Hyderabad. Also, factors like the specialist’s clinical outcomes, specialist’s experience, level of technology adoption by the specialist and the infrastructure at their disposal for delivering state-of-art IVF Infertility Treatment.

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How to select the best IVF Treatment Hospital in India?

Couples should keep in mind to not to choose a fertility hospital or clinic on the basis of cost alone. They should look for fertility specialists with good credentials and a strong reputation. Medmonks with their advanced analytics and deep experience in the healthcare industry can help you in making a decision that would be critical for your treatment success. Apart from being a seasoned obstetrician, gynecologist, and an IVF specialist, the doctor must specialize in embryology, infertility, and hysteroscopy to be able to conduct a successful IVF cycle. By partnering with Medmonks for IVF treatment in India, couples can stay rest assured about the credentials of the hospital and the specialist responsible for conducting the procedure.

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Which are the best IVF Clinic in India?

IVF treatment

IVF treatment hospitals In India use cutting-edge techniques to conduct IVF treatment. The top IVF Centres in India have associated themselves with some of the most seasoned IVF specialists who have years of experience in handling all types of infertility cases.

The top fertility hospitals and clinics in India have been there for over 30 years. The best IVF clinics in India operate in all major cities, including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, and Pune. Medmonks has a vast network across India in all major cities mentioned above and we work closely with leading IVF Infertility Treatment Specialists.

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Best Clinics for IVF in Delhi

Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR), which includes Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad, house more than 75 accredited IVF treatment hospitals in India, including Fortis, Max, Columbia Asia, Artemis, and Metro hospital. These hospitals provide an all-encompassing quality care to the patients at an affordable price. There are also leading niche IVF clinics like International Infertility Centre, Milan – The Fertility Center, Ruby Hall Clinic, Advanced Fertility and Gynecology Centre, Nova IVI Infertility, Indira IVF and Fortis Le Femme to name a few.

Why choose Medmonks?

Medmonks ensures that a couple from abroad planning to seek IVF treatment in Delhi can book an accommodation directly depending on their budget and we guide them as well as help them at every step of their medical journey in fulfilling their dream of becoming a family. There are ample number of affordable hotels in Delhi. The presence of Metro rail and other private transport facilities including UBER and Ola (Internet Booking Cab services) makes it convenient for them to travel locally.

Medmonks assists couple from abroad seek good quality and affordable IVF treatment in Delhi. The medical tourist company also offers packages that takes care of everything that a medical tourist typically needs during their stay in a foreign land along with discounts on IVF Infertility treatment packages

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