Kenyan Patient Lost 60 Kgs after Bariatric Surgery in India



Patient: Mr Mohammed Abubakar Ali

Country: Kenya

Age: 65 Years

Treatment: Bariatric/ Obesity Surgery

Doctor: Dr Arun Prasad│ HOD of Bariatric Surgery Department

Hospital: Manipal Hospital, Delhi

Mr Mohammed Abubakar Ali, a 65-year-old man from Kenya came to India with his son, for undergoing a surgical treatment for controlling his growing weight.

Apart from being overweight, Mr Ali also had high blood pressure and diabetes, which only made his condition worse. He already delayed his treatment exploring different options in Kenya, unfortunately, whose hospitals are not equipped with the latest technologies. 

After researching different doctors in India, he and his family decided to seek consultation from Dr Arun Prasad at Manipal Hospital in Dwarka.

Dr Arun advisedMr Ali to undergo laparoscopic bariatric surgery, for reducing the fat in his body, which worked successfully and he was able to lose a lot of weight within 2 months from 130 kg to 70 kg.

After the surgery, the patient was also given a diet chart to maintain the healthy weight that was followed by him religiously.

Neha Verma

A literature student, aspiring writer, fitness enthusiast and an abstractionist, with a curious mind..


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