5 Effective ways to Maintain a Healthy Spinal Column and Disc

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The human spine is made up of a series of 33 bones, arranged in a particular order. This includes seven bones in the cervical region, twelve in the thoracic spine, and five in the lumbar portion, with the sacrum and the coccyx at the base. These bones are protected by discs which absorb the stress and blows from day to day activities like walking, twisting, lifting etc.
Each disc has two parts: a soft, viscous inner portion and a hard outer ring. A slipped disc happens when the outer ring is injured or becomes weak allowing the inner portion to slip out. This is also known as herniated or prolapsed disc. It causes a lot of pain and discomfort for the suffering individual. While it is more an age-related problem, the condition can also occur due to some injury.
What is Causes of Slip Disc
Certain motions and activities like lifting heavy objects can place enormous strain on the lower back, resulting in a slipped disc. Another reason for a slipped disc is a sedentary lifestyle and excessive body-weight as discs need to support the extra weight.
In most of the cases, this could be treated with natural and traditional options like medication and physiotherapy; however, certain severe cases require timely surgery before the damage becomes permanent. As no two persons are the same, their prolapsed discs are also unique, i.e. what works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. Thus a spine specialist looks at multiple parameters before prescribing you a slip disc treatment in India.
What is Symptoms of Slip Disc
Though the lower back is more prone to experience a slipped disc, one can have a slipped disc in any part of the spine including the neck. Given the intricate network of nerves and blood vessels in a spinal column, a slipped disc could lead to extra pressure on the nerves resulting in numbness and extreme pain in the area.
Symptoms of a slipped disc include burning sensations or tingling in the affected area. The affected individual also suffers from severe pain and numbness, usually on one side of the body that extends to arms or legs. This kind of pain most commonly worsens at night as also with certain kinds of movements. Another symptom of a herniated disc is unexplained muscle weakness and an inability to
Treatments options for a slipped disc
Treatment for a slipped disc depends on the patient’s discomfort level and how much has the disc moved out of its place. Most people get relief with medication and some exercise program that involves stretching and strengthening of the back and the surrounding muscles.
It’s important to note that while one may want to refrain from all kinds of physical activity when his/her disc moves out of place, this may lead to stiff joints and muscle weakness. Thus it’s advisable to remain active without engaging in high-impact activities.
Few natural ways of curing herniated disc are:
• Get adequate rest for your back with proper sleep to allow the body time to heal.
• Physiotherapy to strengthen the spine.
• Do yoga to improve flexibility.
• Acupuncture is also a useful treatment option with proven results.
• Alternate heat and ice therapy help in reducing inflammation.
• Massage therapy helps in relieving pain and relaxes muscles.
• You could also use a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulations (TENS) machine which also works as a muscle relaxant.
• Eat a healthy diet and maintain healthy body weight.
• You could also visit a chiropractor for manual adjustments.
For most people natural and conservative treatment options successfully relieve the pain and discomfort of a slipped disc. However, for some people, symptoms persist leaving them with the only option of minimally invasive spine surgery. This surgery becomes a necessity as untreated slipped disc may lead to permanent nerve damage. It is safe and most patients are able to return to work and everyday routine within 3 months of surgery.
5 effective ways to prevent spine and disc-related problems
As they say, Prevention is better than cure so here are 5 tips that will help to prevent disc problems:
1. Maintain a routine exercise schedule that keeps the spine flexible and the back strong. This also includes an active lifestyle which keeps your muscles engaged and less prone to fragility and inflammation.
2. Practice good posture with back straight and shoulders up and avoid slouching. Also, have a good night sleep to give enough rest for your spine.
3. Employ proper ergonomics while at work like sitting at the computer
4. Get regular chiropractic adjustments. Individuals who have misalignment issues like scoliosis or ankylosing spondylitis should go for more frequent such adjustments.
5. Massage therapy: Massage not only helps in relieving stress but also has many therapeutic effects on the body. A gentle massage helps increase body's natural painkiller- endorphins and even improve blood flow.
Choose MedMonks for best spinal care in India
If you are suffering from a slipped disc or any other spinal issue, Medmonks will help you find the best treatment for your problem in a budget that fits your pocket. We have a growing network of world-class doctors and surgeons that have many years of experience and proven track record of successful treatments. Besides the medical needs, we also assist our patients from other countries to get all the necessary help with regards to Visa assistance, accommodation, appointments and travel itinerary. So, allow us to be your torch-bearers in this medical journey so that you can get back to your healthy state as soon as possible.