Are Dentists Doctors?

A dental surgeon or a dentist is a doctor who gains specialization in dentistry, which includes diagnosis, prevention & treatment of oral diseases and conditions. They provide both medical and surgical treatment for an array of oral conditions that basically makes them a doctor. But most people don’t agree with it and can be often heard saying:
“Dentists are not Doctors.”
“You are a dentist, not a doctor.”
“You are just a dentist.”
Hurtful! Right?
This is probably one of the biggest debates of the medical world, which has subjected dental experts to mockery on various occasions. Even Hollywood hits like “Hangover Series”, have used these dialogues as a bit for one of their main character in the movie. If you are a dentist or a dental student, we are sure you have heard your friends and family ask you the same question endless times lamenting your specialization.
Reasons why a person might agree to the following statements:
These statements are thrown at Dentists not just by medical professionals by also laymen. And then movies and television series come into the picture that has fueled this myth to another degree.
Questioning whether a dentist is a doctor or not, is like saying if omelet is poultry product or not.
Why do people actually think so?
- It could be because most dental procedures are comparatively less invasive than other medical surgeries.
- The duration of the medical courses for becoming a dentist is a few years shorter compared to becoming a medical doctor for other specialities.
- Dental Treatments are also considered an aesthetic procedure, which is not taken that seriously.
- Or it could be the lack of mortality involved in their field of work. Dentists might be considered less of heroes since they don’t particularly “save people’s” live. But think again cause they are the ones who treat oral cancer.
- People should be more considerate towards them, imagine a world without dentists, and you being unable to enjoy your favorite food because of minor oral conditions like gum pain or tooth sensitivity.
Scary! Right?
Many of these points arise due to ignorance towards dentistry as a field in general. People are hardly bothered about oral hygiene. This negligence towards oral health is deeply rooted because of the negative psyche of people towards Dentistry.
Is dentist a doctor?
Definition of a Dentist as per US Standard (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
A dentist is a medical professional who is skilled and licensed to practice prevention, diagnosis & the treatment of malformation, diseases, and injuries in the teeth, mouth and jaws, who is also responsible for making and inserting prosthetic teeth.
Education Qualification of a Dentist
A dentist is a medical specialization of oral health. An individual can become a doctor of dentistry by studying BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery), DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) / DMD (Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry or Doctor of Dental Medicine), which consist the same education. Universities determine which degree they want to award, but in order to achieve any of these certificates, the student has to fulfil the same curriculum requirements. Pediatric Dentists specialize in treating oral conditions of infants and teens. A pediatric dentist has to go through a separate training to work with infant kids. Other dental specializations might include:
• Endodontics (root canals)
• Oral and maxillofacial (that includes radiology, pathology, and surgery)
• Dentofacial orthopedics & Orthodontics
• Periodontics (gum disease)
• Prosthodontics (implants)
• Pedodontia
• Conservative Dentistry
• Oral Pathology
• Oral Medicine
More reasons that confirm that dentists are indeed doctors!
• Indian Government recognizes a graduate in BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) as a doctor. (
• MBBS & BDS both have a single entrance examination after the 12th standard.
• The “S” in the BDS stands for Surgery, and last time we checked, Surgeries are performed by doctors (surgeons).
• The first three years of BDS includes medical subjects, providing dentists with sufficient knowledge about the functionality of the human body.
Things all dentists want to tell you!
• We treat patients — not customers. And this should automatically make us doctors.
• One small mistake while anesthetizing a patient’s jaw can cause hemifacial swelling.
• We treat life-threatening conditions like oral submucous fibrosis, MPDS and oral cancer.
• Dental Surgeons are required for performing numerous invasive procedures like trigeminal neuralgia, jaw & face fracture reduction and cleft lip surgery etc.