Dr Kumaragurubaran is an Gastroenterologist in Billroth hospital Chennai More..
Dr S M Sivaraj is an Gastroenterologist in Billroth Hospital Chennai More..
Dr S Jeevan Kumar is an Gastroenterologsit in Billroth Hospital, Chennai More..
Dr. Hari Prasad is a Consultant - Medical Gastroenterology. More..
Dr. Mohammed Ali is a veteran Gastroenterologist in Chennai, with over three decades of experience in medical practice and teaching. He is Professor and Head of the More..
Dr. Adarsh Surendranath is a Gastroenterologist in Shenoy Nagar, Chennai and has an experience of 8 years in this field. Dr. Adarsh Surendranath practices at Bi More..
Dr. Babu Vinish is Junior Consultant - Medical Gastroenterology in SIMS Hospitals, Vadapalani. More..
Dr Rajanikanth Patcha is working as a Senior Consultant and Lead Clinician in the liver department, at Gleneagles Global Health city, Chennai. He was trained in UK for More..
Dr. Ilavarasi is a Medical Gastroenterologist specialising in Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP, Endoscopic sclerotherapy and banding. More..
Dr. Ramakrishna graduated in medicine from the Christian Medical College Vellore, joined the faculty of that institution, and retired as the Head of the Department of More..

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