Dr Naresh Bhat is associated with Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore where he works as the chief of gastroenterology. Dr Naresh Bhat is known for delivering lecture More..
Dr. Ravindra B S is a Senior Consultant of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in BGS Global Hospital, Kengeri. He has more than 17 years of experience in the field. More..
Dr. Syed Naveed Azam is a Consultant - Gastroenterology in Columbia Asia Hospital, Hebbal, Bangalore. He has rich experience in this field. More..
Dr Mohit P Shetti is a Consultant - Gastroenterology in Manipal Hospital, HAL Airport Road. More..
Dr. Adarsh C K is a Consultant - Medical Gastroenterology and Endoscopy in BGS Global Hospital, Kengeri. He has rich experience in this field. More..
Dr Sonal Asthana is the current Senior HPB surgeon and Multiorgan Transplantation Surgeon of Integrated Liver Care Team at Aster CMI Hospital in Bangalore. More..
Dr Sumana Kolar Ramachandra is currently associated with Fortis Hospital in Bangalore where he works as the consulting Liver Transplant Surgeon. Dr Sumana spec More..
Dr Raj Vigna Venugopal is a gastroenterology consultant at the Manipal Hospital in Bangalore. Dr Raj Vigna has vast experience in Ultrasonography, Endosc More..
A Consultant at the department of Gastroentrology & Hepatology in Fortis Hospital, Dr. Veerendra Sandur has over a decades of rich professional experience in his f More..
Dr Nandakumar Jairam is the Group Medical Director and Chairman of Columbia Asia Hospitals in India. Dr Jairam is amongst the top 10 general surgeons in India. More..

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