Dr Amit has an experience of 18 plus years who is currently working at Manipal Hospital. Dr Amit Rauthan specializes in treating Haematological Malignancies, Blood a More..
Dr Girish V Badarkhe is currently associated with HCG Hospital in Bangalore, where he works as a hemato-oncology consultant. Dr Girish has operated more than 2 More..
Dr. Anoop is a Hematologist and Pediatric Hemato-Oncologist, providing tertiary referral services for malignant hematology (adults & children), non-malignant hemat More..
Dr Santosh is currently working with Fortis Hospital, Bangalore as the director of their Medical Oncology department Dr Santosh Gowda is certified by four American b More..
Dr Stalin Ramprakash is currently practicing at Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore as the Consultant of their Pediatric Hemato Oncology Department. Before joining Aster C More..
Dr Ashish Dixit is currently associated with Manipal Hospital in Bangalore as the Hematology Consultant at their Cancer Care Department. Dr Ashish Dixit has be More..

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