Dr George Cherian is one of the most experienced adult cardiologists in India, who has been practicing in the field for more than 40 years now. He is trained t More..
Dr. Ranjan Shetty is Cardiologist practicing at Manipal Hospital. More..
Dr Suresh P V’s 24 years of experience and his education and training from famous and respected institutions, shines through his expertise in adult and paediatri More..
Dr Ravindranath Reddy D R has received his education and training from one of Asia's largest institutions. Dr Ravindranath Reddy D R has imparted education More..
Dr Padmakumar P has extensive experience in dealing with Adult and paediatric interventional cardiology for more than two decades. More..
Interventional cardiology flows in the veins of Dr Deepesh Venkatraman, and he has vowed to drive the ailments out of his patients. Dr Deepesh Venkatraman is abreast More..
Dr Rajpal Singh is associated with Fortis Hospital, Bangalore where he serves as a consultant of interventional cardiology in performing primary and elective (PCI) per More..
Dr.Venkatesh. S is a consultant Cardiologist with over eight years of clinical excellence to his credit. He combines a high academic record with a profound unde More..
Dr Jai Babu is presently working as a Consultant, Interventional Cardiology, at Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Whitefield, Bangalore. More..
Dr. Anand. R. Shenoy is an eminent Intervention Cardiologist, practising at Manipal Hospital since 2004. More..

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