

Laser Scar removal surgery: 5 points to keep in mind

Scars appear on an individual's body after a wound has healed. The scars produced can often lead to acne followed by severe other skin conditions. A majority of the population today has scars, big and small, and many out of them have lived with these scars since their childhood. While being entirely physical in nature, these scars have a massive impact on the affected person's life as well. It abstains the person from being what he or she really is. In fact, some of these scars rob away the ultimate sense of independence and self-esteem that takes the individual to heights. However, thanks to scar removal surgery, undesired marks or spots can get wiped out, not only from the body but life as well.

There was a point in time when removing these scars was considered risky and irrelevant. Many attached the scar removal procedures with stigma and a sense of shame.

However, these thoughts and notions have become obsolete now. More people are going for cosmetic procedures to have their scars removed.

An overview of Laser scar removal surgery:

With the advent of technology, scar removal can be done with the aid of a laser. The laser scar removal technique, also known as dermabrasion, offer better and faster results. This time-tested technique can eliminate blemishes and reduce the extent of a scar, caused by acne, a wound or a medical condition to a great extent. Dermabrasion is effective even if the scar has invaded beyond where the injury actually occurred, the built-up collagen that resulted in this can be isolated with laser procedures respectively. Scars that are way more severe or those that are "against the grain" of facial lines, methods such as z-plasty and w-plasty are used.

Albeit laser scar removal surgery can offer remarkable results, one must be aware of a few facts to savor the benefits of faster results and avoid side-effects. Here is a list of 5 things that a person must know before undergoing a laser scar removal surgical procedure.

Points to keep in mind:

1. Laser treatments cannot remove the scar completely. In fact, it can reduce its extent and made it less noticeable.  Generally speaking, laser treatments can:

•    Prevent a raised scar from forming after surgery

•    Reduce scar pain and itch

•    Increase the range of motion if a scar limits movement

2. The results of the procedure largely depend on the skill of the cosmetic surgeon or the operating dermatologist. So, care should be taken while choosing the surgeon since making a wrong decision can do more than good.

3. Make sure to undergo a medical consultation before beginning any laser treatment. The dermatologist will use the consultation time to become aware of aspects such as whether you have cold sores, medical condition or take any medications or supplements.

4. Protection from the skin is imperative, both before and after the laser treatment. After the surgery, you need to safeguard the skin against harmful sun rays to allow maximum healing.

5. For these treatments to exhibit the best results, making a few lifestyle changes is mandatory. Dermatologists recommend the following changes:

a. Relinquish the habit of smoking, at least two weeks prior to beginning the laser procedure.

b. Quit taking aspirin, Vitamin E, and other medications or supplements that can cause a delay in healing.

c. Use of skin care products such as retinoid or glycolic acid should be avoided for 2 to 4 weeks.

d. Avoid direct contact of the sun; use a sunblock whenever you go out in the Sun.

If you are trying to find the best cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist in India, visit us on

Sahiba Rana

Wearing a million-watt smile and treasuring a zillion metaphors, she finds solace in deep poetry and..


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