

The medical procedure of deliberately introducing sperm into the female’s cervix in order to achieve pregnancy using an In Vitro fertilisation procedure without any sexual involvement. In this process the semen in manually inserted into a female uterus or vagina by the doctor.

With sex diseases becoming common, and more and more people having trouble conceiving, artificial insemination has become a popular alternative method for procreating. It is a simple way to treat infertility without the requirement of any surgery or a long-term procedure. Another major factor that has helped AI in becoming so popular is it’s near zero percent risk involvement.

What is Artificial Insemination Cost?

The cost of AI ranges from $300 - $400 or more for each attempt, depending on the selected procedure method that the patient is going under. In some cases, the cost of the donated sperm can also affect the final bill of the procedure.  The procedure also demands a few tests that can affect the final value of the insemination.

Reasons to get Artificial Insemination

•    Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes

•    Male Infertility

•    Ovulation disorders in Women (uterine fibroids or premature ovarian failure)

•    Genetic Disorders

•    Unexplained infertility

Causes of Infertility

Infertility is the condition in which are a couple is unable to conceive despite engaging in regular unprotected intercourse. More than 20% population in the world is suffering from infertility and have difficulty in either conceiving or remaining pregnant.

In Men,

  • Low Sperm Count – is one of the most common reason of infertility in males today that is rooted because of an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Abnormal Sperm – Production of abnormal-shaped or damaged sperm that is no condition to fertilise with the egg.
  • Low Sperm Mobility
  • Testicular Infection (cancer) – Growth of any form of infection in the testicles can affect the quality of sperms produced in a male body.
  • Ejaculation Disorders – Delayed or Pre-mature ejaculation can also make it hard for the couples to conceive.
  • Hormonal Imbalance

In Women,

  • Age – Women’s ability to conceive decreases after 32 years.
  • Regular Smoking
  • Alcohol Consumption
  • Obesity or Weight Issues – Eating disorders can force the body to function abnormally, making it difficult to conceive using natural means.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle – Lack of exercise and a healthy diet can cause deficiency which eventually can lead to hormonal or reproductive imbalance.
  • Exposure to toxic Chemicals – Consumption of drugs or living in poisonous environment can significantly affect the hormones in the body.
  • Mental Stress
  • STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) – Infection in the uterus due to STIs can cause cancer that disables the grow of the foetus.

Fortunately, there are a couple of ways that can help you in conceiving today that we are going to discuss below in this blog.

Artificial Insemination Procedure

Reproductive Endocrinologist is the appropriate board-certified medical professionals for managing these reproduction procedures to ensure to get your doctor is trained in this field before proceeding with the procedure.

Step 1: Once the patient has requested for the procedure, the clinic contact a few sperm donors, use a sample from their inventory.

Step 2: Now that the sperm has been obtained, it is washed to get rid of any impurities.

Step 3: An appointment is made with the patient for the procedure in which the sperm is manually inserted into the patient's uterus with the help of a very thin flexible catheter.

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

IVF is a popular artificial insemination procedure that uses assisted reproductive technology. In this process, the sperm sample and the eggs are extracted, which are then manually combined in a laboratory dish. Once the egg and sperm have interacted the embryo is transferred into the uterus.

Other forms of Assisted Reproduction Technology include:

  • Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer
  • Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer

Explore to learn more about different types of artificial insemination treatments.

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Sahiba Rana

Wearing a million-watt smile and treasuring a zillion metaphors, she finds solace in deep poetry and..


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