Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai introduces a KTV System in India

Renal Failure occurs when one or both kidneys of an individual can no longer function. A kidney is responsible for removing the impure water from the body, which makes it very important. Patient with renal failure requires regular dialysis, a process via which the impure water is mechanically removed from their body.
This requires the patients to stay at the hospital for two to three days. However, Wockhardt Hospital in Mumbai has introduced a special dialysis service for kidney failure patients.
This service was started by Mrs ZahabiaKhorakiwala the operator of Nephrology department and Dr M M Bahadur Kidney Transplant physician at the hospital.
The USP of this centre is its KTV dialysis System. This Unit is used for measuring hemodialysis adequacy and peritoneal dialysis methods for treatment.
KTV Dialysis Centre comprises of the latest technology and is led by a team of highly trained experienced doctors who provide treatment services for complex conditions.
Source: https://goo.gl/G1yvjq