Heart surgery in India - A Patient's Perspective

Open heart surgery- these three words can trigger a panic attack in anyone. But, sometimes there is no other choice. A variety of heart ailments that would otherwise be fatal can be resolved with the help of open heart surgery.
Open heart surgery can either be planned or an unplanned one such as in emergency cases. People usually have myriad opinions about it- some favor the idea of having the foresight of surgery in advance, while a few feel that knowing about the surgery ahead of time can induce stress, anxiety or depression in them.
Healthy individuals who are diagnosed with a heart ailment by surprise are supposed to have a hard time to come to terms with the open heart surgery. A lot of factors such as age, mental status and lifestyle choices can play a significant role in influencing the way the patient deals with a diagnosis.
Heart surgery in India- What to expect?
Knowing what to expect with the open heart surgery at an Indian medical facility can help you get your affairs in order and plan in advance to ensure a stress-free and faster recovery. Initially, you may have to deal with countless emotions and thoughts- you may question the meaning of life, why this happened and etc. Also, you will want to spend quality time with your family and friends, especially an evening before the surgery is supposed to take place.
On the morning of the surgery, you'll have to skip breakfast. Apart from this, you will have to take a shower with a special sanitizing soap prescribed by the operating surgeon.
As soon as you reach the hospital premises, you are expected to report to an administrative authority wherein you will be required to fill in few documents. Shortly after this, you will be sent to the cardiothoracic surgical unit after your vitals have been taken. As you reach the unit, you can find yourself surrounded with doctors, nurses and an anesthesiologist. Again your vitals will be taken, and once the surgeon arrives he or she will be briefed with the gathered stats.
Your anesthesiologist will explain how things will go during the surgery, and what to expect when you wake after the surgery ends. Followed by this, your surgeon will give you a rundown of each and every aspect of the surgery and offer you a chance to ask questions if any.
After your surgeon has briefly explained about the ins and outs of the surgery, your anesthesiologist will put an IV in each arm while you are still awake. Medical health professionals present in the operation theatre will use these to administer anesthesia and other medicine once you're on the operating table.
Your anesthesiologist will start to administer your initial anesthesia and the surgery will start. The updates of the surgery will be given to your family from time to time.
The duration of your hospital stay will depend on the type of procedure performed. You will be prescribed with many medications that will help in lessening the pain and minimizing the side-effects of the surgery. Along with that, a host of post-surgery instructions will be given to you by your doctor or surgeon that you must be followed strictly. This will help in cutting down the risk of arrhythmias, atrial flutter, low hemoglobin levels or blood issues to a great extent.
Having a positive attitude can help you overcome the difficulties experienced during and after the surgery.
Stay positive because the real recovery begins once you get home.

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Very informative. Thank you

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