

Medical tourism in India is on a significant rise at present.  As a matter of fact, cardiac care treatments are one of the few cardinal reasons why patients across the world choose to come to India.

With the access to a bountiful of highly qualified doctors/ surgeons and modern technology and high-end equipment, India is becoming a premium choice of patients suffering from cardiac disorders as compared to their African as well as West Asian counterparts. The cost of crucial heart treatments such as open heart surgery in India is almost half in contrast to the US or the UK.

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about heart surgery.

What is the general procedure of a Heart Surgery?

The general procedure entails the following two steps:

1. First, the patient is placed on a bypass machine

2. Then, the surgeon performs the critical surgical procedure on the non-beating heart of the patient. After the surgery, the overall quality of life of the sufferer improves.

What are the types of heart surgery procedures?

In an effort to resolve the various heart-related issues of a patient, medical science has given rise to a bountiful of heart surgeries. Find the brief description of heart surgeries below

1. Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG): Performed on an individual with a severe coronary artery disease (CAD), CABG is one of the most common procedure being perfromed  in India. In this procedure, a surgeon normally takes an artery or a vein from the leg, chest or any other patient's body part and connects them with the blocked artery. After the completion of this procedure, blockage formed, as a result of the fatty material referred to a Plaque in the coronary arteries, can be bypassed.

2. Transmyocardial Laser Revascularization (TLR): Carried out to treat angina, this procedure is the last option of a surgeon when all the other procedures have failed. The surgeon executing this surgical process uses the laser technology to create channels in the heart muscle. These channels, in turn, allow the blood to flow directly from the heart chambers into the heart muscle without any difficulty.

3. Valve Repair /Replacement: Valve repair is carried out to operate closed leaflets. Surgeons replace the ales with the healthy vales that comprise human, animal tissue or any man-made substance.

4. Aneurysm Repair: In the medical terminology, an aneurysm refers to abnormal bulging of the heart muscle or in the artery walls. Over the course of time, the aneurysm can even burst that causes bleeding in the body. This may increase the risk of a heart attack too. To treat this condition, replace the weaker sections of the artery with a graft via surgical intervention.

5. Heart Transplant: This surgical procedure intends to substitute the abnormally functioning heart with a healthy one. After a detailed diagnosis, surgeons advise one of the above surgical procedures to cure heart-related problems once in for all.

What is the cost of  Heart surgery in India?

Top-quality and low-cost open heart surgery is the reason why a majority of patients from across the world are traveling to India in order to pursue high-end cardiac medical treatments at India's top-notch hospitals specialized in cardiac care.

Following is the list of costs of heart surgery:

The cost of coronary heart bypass grafting or open-heart surgical procedure in India is USD 7500

The cost of heart valve repair or replacement in India is USD 7000

The cost of the heart transplant in India is USD 50,000.

In addition, the best heart surgery hospitals in India catering open heart surgical interventions at minimal costs are fully  equipped with top-of-line medical equipment and facilities, which play a key role in mending heart ailments permanently. To conclude, India's cardiac-care healthcare establishments comprise of experienced professionals who specialize in open heart surgeries while minimizing your recovery time and maximizing the best possible outcomes.

Is the cost of heart surgery dependent on some factors?

Yes indeed. Though India offers heart surgery treatment options at a fraction of the cost, there remains a multitude of determining factors that can influence the cost of the treatment including, patient's age, type and stage  of heart disorder , occurrence of complications and comorbidities, type of heart treatment procedure used, type of donor, diagnostic procedures employed, types of prescribed medications, and type of hospital where the treatment is being done.

Along with these factors, the reason such as increased stay in the hospital can influence the cost of the procedure.

Medmonks is with you at every step:  

Comprising of a team of best and highly experienced team of medical counselors and loyal union with India' most sought after hospitals, doctors and surgeons, Medmonks can help you get desired heart treatments done at affordable costs.

One can access the cost benefits by choosing medical packages specially designed by Medmonks; you can get it customized accordingly to suit your requirements and needs.

For more information regarding heart transplant procedure, post your query @ medmonks.com or submit your query on wecare@medmonks.com. Feel free to contact our professionals through Whatsapp- +91 7683088559.

Hemant Verma

As a content writer, I enjoy juggling words and sentences that express my innermost thoughts, and al..


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