

The objective of this Treatment guide is to brief the readers about the technology, procedure, and expenses involved in a CyberKnife Treatment.

CyberKnife Treatment is breakthrough research in the medical world that has provided doctors with a non-invasive alternative for treating tumours. It is an innovation medical design that treats tumour, eliminating all cancer-causing risk factors from the patient’s body.

What is CyberKnife Treatment?

CyberKnife Treatment is the world’s first and most substantial robotic radiosurgery system that is designed for non-invasively treating tumour from anywhere inside the body, offering sub-millimetre accuracy. The technology can be used for the treatment of cancerous and non-cancerous tumours. The therapy delivers high-doses of directed radiation on the tumour with extremely detailed accuracy that offers a newfound hope for patients suffering from cancer worldwide.

CyberKnife Treatment can be used for treating the tumour from the following parts of the body:

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පුරස්ථි පිළිකා

Cancerous tumours present in the spine

පෙනහළු පිළිකාව

අක්මා පිළිකා

බෙල්ල හෝ හිස පිළිකා

පියයුරු පිළිකා

පිළිකා නොවන පිළිකා

How does CyberKnife Treatment work?

CyberKnife uses a lightweight linear accelerator, that is mounted on its robotic arm, which is used for delivering intense radiation focused doses, on the targeted tumour in the patient. Using robotic arms manoeuvrability, the surgeons can administrate multiple beams of radiation targeting different angles and positions.

Benefits of CyberKnife Treatment

Unlimited Flexibility

The system’s robotic manoeuvrability can be used by the doctors for delivering highly individualised treatments. CyberKnife has a linear accelerator attached on the flexible robotic arm. CyberKnife can be used for targeting tumour from all conceivable angle.

Unmatched Accuracy

The CyberKnife system help in treating moving tumours with meticulous accuracy, which remains unmatched with any other radiosurgery system. This treatment technology is very useful for treating tumours that are prone to move while performing any body function (e.g. breathing).

රූප මාර්ගෝපදේශය

CyberKnife treatment comes with a 6D image guidance technology that allows the surgeons to track, monitor, and adjust according to the patient’s movement.

රෝගීන්ගේ ආරක්ෂාව

CyberKnife operates on an integrated bolted loop system. Each function process in unison for ensuring that the patient has a safe experience.


Depending on the case, usually a patient requires one to five CyberKnife treatments, which take less than one hour each, while other treatments might need the patients to go under dozens of treatments that can take several weeks to complete.  

ආක්‍රමණශීලී නොවන

Though the word CyberKnife, conjures the image of knife and surgery, it is a non-invasive robotic radiosurgery system that is designed for treating tumours without any incisions. It is a non-surgical, pain-free treatment for patients whose conditions prevent them from considering surgery due to complex tumours or other medical conditions. It is an alternative for treating tumours without surgery.

Cost of CyberKnife Treatment in India

The average cost of CyberKnife Treatment in India can range starts from USD 5,500 that is subject to change based on the treatment requirements of the patient. The price of the treatment is high because of the technology used in it.

නිතර අසනු ලබන ප්රශ්න

Does CyberKnife Treatment have any side effects?

There are no significant side-effects of this treatment. However, depending on the part of the body CyberKnife Treatment might work differently causing minor pain or redness in the body of different patients, which typically fades a week after the treatment is complete. Some patients might feel slight fatigue or nausea after the treatment.

Is CyberKnife a surgical procedure?

Although the name of the treatment, CyberKnife, might suggest an association with scalpels or surgery, it is a VSI treatment that involves zero incisions. In fact, it is the only robotic radiosurgery system that can non-invasively treat a tumour from any part of the body.

Can cancer be treated using a CyberKnife Treatment?

Yes, CyberKnife can be used for treating any type of a tumour in the body. Gradually this treatment is becoming a popular alternative for treating පිළිකා because of its high accuracy 6D image radiosurgery system.

Which Indian hospitals perform the best CyberKnife Treatment?

මෙඩන්ත රෝහල - නව දිල්ලි

ඇපලෝ රෝහල් (Across India)

Explore to learn more about CyberKnife Treatment or to make an appointment with the hospitals that perform this robotic radiosurgery system.

නේහා වර්මා

සාහිත්‍ය ශිෂ්‍යයෙක්, අපේක්‍ෂක ලේඛකයෙක්, යෝග්‍යතා ලෝලියෙක් සහ වියුක්ත වාදියෙක්, කුතුහලයෙන් පිරි මනසක් ඇති..


ඒ ප්රකාශය කරන්නේ මාරයාය

මෙම පිටුවේ තොරතුරු ශ්‍රේණිගත කරන්න