Dunyodagi eng yaxshi ortoped shifokorlari

Doktor Rakesh Mahajan Dehlidagi BLK kasalxonasida ortoped bo'lib, bu sohada 20 yillik tajribaga ega. Doktor Rakesh Mahajan Patel N shahridagi Mahajan klinikasida ishlaydi   Ko'proq..

Doktor Raju Vaishya hozirda Dehlidagi Indraprastha Apollon kasalxonasida amaliyot o'tamoqda, u erda u ortopediya va bo'g'imlarni almashtirish jarrohlik bo'limining katta maslahatchisi.   Ko'proq..

Doktor Gopala Krishnan Chennay, Apollon kasalxonasining ortopediya bo'limi maslahatchisi. Doktor Gopala 75 dan ortiq mehmon ma'ruzalarini o'qidi va undan ko'pini olib bordi   Ko'proq..

Doktor SV Vaidya 1991 yildan beri bo'g'imlarni almashtirish jarrohligi bilan shug'ullanadi. Bunga birlamchi va revizion son va tizzalarni almashtirish, shuningdek, elka, tirsakni almashtirish kiradi.   Ko'proq..

Doktor Thirumalesh K Reddy ortopedik jarrohlik bo'limida katta maslahatchi. Hindiston va Buyuk Britaniyada o'qishni tugatgandan so'ng u a   Ko'proq..

Doktor Pradeep Bhosale - Nyu-Dehlidagi Nanavati Super ixtisoslashtirilgan kasalxonasida qo'shma almashtirish operatsiyalari va artrit va ortopediya bo'limi direktori. Doktor Pradeep   Ko'proq..

Doktor Ishvar Bohra tizza va son bo'g'imlarini almashtirish, artroskopiya va sport tibbiyotida katta tajribaga ega bo'lgan katta ortopediya maslahatchisi. Unga alohida qiziqish bor   Ko'proq..

Doktor Subhash Jangid Dehli NCRdagi FMRI kasalxonasi bilan bog'langan, u erda u ortopediya va bo'g'imlarni almashtirish bo'limi direktori bo'lib ishlaydi. Doktor Jangid intr   Ko'proq..

Doktor Sunil Shahane Hindistonda taniqli bo'g'inlarni almashtiruvchi jarroh bo'lib, hozirda Mumbaydagi Nanavati Super maxsus kasalxonasida amaliyot o'tamoqda. Qo'shilishdan oldin   Ko'proq..

Doktor Karunakaran S  direktori            Global  Hospital, Chennay                                              Omurilik       ''''—umurtqali — omurilik jarrohligi.   Ko'proq..

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33 Years old Mozambique Patient undergoes CTVS procedure in India

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UAE Patient Underwent Successful Knee Replacement Surgery in India

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Shehnoza from Tashkent, Uzbekistan undergoes B/L Knee Replacement in India

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Ortopediya - bu tayanch-harakat tizimini davolash bilan shug'ullanadigan tibbiyot amaliyotining bo'limi. Hindistondagi ortoped-jarroh jarrohlik va jarrohlik bo'lmagan muolajalarni bajarish uchun o'qitilgan.

International patients can receive treatment from the best orthopedic doctor in India who have the required qualification, skills and experience for performing the most complex orthopedic surgeries with absolute precision.


Who are the best Orthopedics Doctors in India?

Dr. Rakesh Mahajan (BLK Super Specialty Hospital):

- Renowned for his expertise in joint replacement surgeries, particularly knee and hip replacements.

- Extensive experience in minimally invasive orthopedic procedures.

- Known for his patient-centered approach and excellent outcomes.

Dr. Raju Vaishya (Indraprastha Apollo Hospital):

- Internationally acclaimed orthopedic surgeon specializing in complex knee and hip surgeries.

- Pioneered innovative techniques in joint replacement and arthroscopic surgery.

- Recognized for his research contributions and academic leadership in orthopedics.

Dr. Pradeep Bhosale (Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital):

- Renowned spine surgeon with expertise in minimally invasive spinal surgeries.

- Known for his compassionate patient care and dedication to improving spinal health.

Dr. Gopala Krishnan (Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road):

- Leading authority in sports medicine and orthopedic  care.

- Extensive experience in treating sports-related injuries and complex fractures.

- Recognized for his commitment to advancing orthopedic care through education and research.

Dr. Shrinand V. Vaidya (Global Hospitals, Parel):

- Renowned for his proficiency in joint preservation techniques, including cartilage restoration.

- Specializes in complex knee surgeries, such as ligament reconstructions and meniscal repairs.

- Known for his compassionate approach and dedication to improving patients' quality of life.

Does India have good orthopedic doctors?

India has a large number of orthopedic doctors due to several factors. Firstly, the country's extensive medical education system produces a high volume of skilled orthopedic professionals. Additionally, India's diverse population and varied healthcare needs create opportunities for specialization in orthopedics. Furthermore, the country's reputation as a medical tourism hub attracts orthopedic specialists from around the world, contributing to the pool of expertise.

Moreover, advancements in medical technology and techniques, coupled with lower operating costs, encourage orthopedic professionals to practice in India. Overall, this combination of factors leads to a robust presence of orthopedic doctors in India, offering comprehensive care to patients both locally and internationally.

What are the success rates of orthopedic surgeries performed by the Doctors in India?

Orthopedic surgeons in India have high success rates due to their expertise, use of advanced surgical techniques, and modern medical infrastructure. Success rates for common procedures like joint replacements, spine surgeries, and fracture repairs are typically high, with many patients experiencing significant improvement in mobility, and overall quality of life following surgery.

However, specific success rates may vary and should be discussed with individual doctors based on the patient's unique circumstances.

What are the latest advancements in orthopedic treatments available in India?

In India, the latest advancements in orthopedic treatments include:

1. Robotic-assisted surgery: Precise robotic systems aid surgeons in performing joint replacement and spine surgeries with enhanced accuracy and minimal invasiveness.

2. 3D printing technology: Customized implants and surgical guides are fabricated using 3D printing, improving implant fit and surgical outcomes.

3. Minimally invasive techniques: Advanced arthroscopic and endoscopic procedures, reduce recovery times, and improve patient outcomes.

5. Navigation systems: Computer-assisted navigation systems assist surgeons in achieving optimal implant positioning and alignment during joint replacement surgeries.

Can international patients receive orthopedic treatment in India, and what support services are available for them?

Yes, international patients can receive orthopedic treatment in India. Leading hospitals in India welcome patients from around the world, offering specialized care tailored to their needs. These hospitals provide comprehensive support services for international patients, including assistance with travel arrangements, visa facilitation, airport transfers, accommodation booking, and language interpretation.

Dedicated international patient coordinators ensure seamless communication between patients and healthcare providers, guiding them through the entire treatment process. Additionally, many hospitals offer telemedicine consultations for pre- and post-operative care, allowing patients to receive expert medical advice from their home countries.

How do I schedule a consultation with orthopedics doctor in India with the help of medmonks?

To schedule a consultation with an orthopedic doctor in India through MedMonks, follow these steps:

1. Contact MedMonks: Reach out to MedMonks via their website or contact information.

2. Provide Information: Share your medical history, symptoms, and preferences with MedMonks.

3. Mutaxassis ko'rsatmalari: MedMonks' team will guide you in selecting the right hospital and orthopedic specialist based on your needs.

4. Appointment Booking: Once the hospital and doctor are chosen, MedMonks will assist in scheduling the consultation at your convenience.

5. Support Throughout: MedMonks provides support throughout the process, ensuring a seamless experience from appointment booking to post-consultation follow-up.


Medmonks Medicare tibbiy maslahat, tashxis yoki davolanishni ta'minlamaydi. www.medmonks.com saytida taqdim etilgan xizmatlar va ma'lumotlar faqat ma'lumot olish uchun mo'ljallangan va shifokor tomonidan professional maslahat yoki davolanish o'rnini bosa olmaydi. Uning mazmuni va u intellektual mulkini himoya qilish uchun qonuniy tartib-qoidalarga amal qiladi.

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